Garden Plants > Veg & Herbs

Grow Your Own Vegetable and Herb Plants

Fruit, Vegetable & Herb Plants

Discover a wide range of fruit and vegetable plants available at Mount Folly!

There’s nothing quite like home grown food. At Mount Folly, we take pride in growing our own produce – a joy for the body, mind, and wallet. Our passion for gardening is reflected in every plant we nurture.

Below, you’ll find the fruit, vegetable, and herb plants we plan to grow this year. Enjoy exploring our bounty and envision the fresh, home grown flavors in your garden!

Pricing Info

£1.59 each or 6 for £9.00

Veg & Herbs

Plant Name: Artichoke - Green Globe

Plant Description: The standard green-headed variety. Attractive large blue thistle-like flower heads if left unharvested which attracts bees.

Plant Name: Aubergine - Black Beauty

Plant Description: Broad deep purple fruits tastes great in a variety of dishes.

Plant Name: Beetroot - Boston

Plant Description: An excellent improved boltardy selection. The round roots have a smooth skin and good internal colour and texture.

Plant Name: Broad Bean - Masterpiece Green Longpod

Plant Description: Approximately 5-8 beans per pod. Good flavour. Suitable for freezing.

Plant Name: Brussell Sprout - Trafalgar

Plant Description: Produces lots of medium sized, sweet & crunchy sprouts without a bitter taste. Mid-season variety.

Plant Name: Cabbage - Early

Plant Description: A popular variety producing dark green, conical heads with excellent flavour.

Plant Name: Cabbage - Kalibos

Plant Description: Pointed cabbage variety with distinctive red leaves. Best used raw as a salad cabbage.

Plant Name: Calabrese (Broccoli) - Marathon

Plant Description: Small evenly sized buds with good bud colour. Tolerant of downy mildew.

Plant Name: Carrot - Early Nantes

Plant Description: Early type, virtually coreless with good texture, colour and flavour.

Plant Name: Cauliflower - Amazing

Plant Description: A well maintained open pollinated variety producing a good yield of first class curds during summer and early autumn.

Plant Name: Celery - F1 Victoria

Plant Description: Bolt resistant variety. Prodces long, crisp, lightly ribbed stalks.

Plant Name: Courgette - F1 Midnight

Plant Description: Easy to grow, spineless plant produced dark green glossy fruit.

Plant Name: Cucumber - Peticue

Plant Description: A short vining/bush slicing variety bred to stay compact. Plants mature in 45 days. Pick fruit at 18-23cm in length for best tasting crunchy sweet cues. Regular harvest increases yield.

Plant Name: French Bean (Climbing) - Hunter

Plant Description: White seeded flat podded variety suited to early and maincrop production. A high-yielding variety with pods 25cm x 20mm suited to protected and outdoor production.

Plant Name: French Bean (Dwarf) - Stanley

Plant Description: A white flowering white seeded variety that reliably delivers impressive yields of top quality beans. Medium green pods which are 14cm x 10mm in size.

Plant Name: Hot Pepper - Basket Of Fire

Plant Description: A compact semi-trailing plant that produces a prolific crop of small, hot fruits. The fruits mature from deep purple to cream, to orange then red at maturity.

Plant Name: Hot Pepper - Cayenetta

Plant Description: Prolific crops of long thin shaped cayenne peppers with a mildly spicy flavour.

Plant Name: Hot Pepper - Chiang Rai

Plant Description: The fruit grows up to 6″ long and mature more rapidly than many other hot peppers of this type.

Plant Name: Hot Pepper - Orange Spice

Plant Description: Fruits start green and then ripen to a glorious orange colour with an extremely hot spice rating.

Plant Name: Hot Pepper - Scotch Bonnet Red

Plant Description: Popular habanero type pepper which measures 2.5-4cm long and 2.5-3cm wide. Matures from green to red. Very hot with strong pungency.

Plant Name: Kohl Rabi - Ballot

Plant Description: Early maturing purple variety with round shaped stems and good quality, delicate flesh. Resistant to bolting, stem splitting and lignification.

Plant Name: Leek - Musselburg

Plant Description: A popular member of the onion family which is delicately flavoured and easy to grow at home. Ideal for many culinary dishes.

Plant Name: Lettuce - Iceburg

Plant Description: High quality medium sized iceburg lettuce with crunchy texture.

Plant Name: Lettuce - Little Gem

Plant Description: Quick to mature with small compact crisp hearts. Deliciously sweet and tasty.

Plant Name: Lettuce - Lollo Rosso

Plant Description: Compact excellently flavoured non hearting lettuce, with a rosette of red edged frilled leaves.

Plant Name: Marrow - Tiger Cross

Plant Description: Striped green bush type hybrid. Early to crop & resistant to cucumber mosaic virus.

Plant Name: Onion - Ailsa Craig

Plant Description: Pale straw-coloured skin with fairly large globe shaped bulbs.

Plant Name: Onion - Red

Plant Description: A good quality red onion with nice skin colour and texture. Thick necked, globe to semi-globe shape.

Plant Name: Onion (Spring) - White Lisbon

Plant Description: Standard variety for bulbing salad onions, which bulks up relatively quickly. Medium green foliage.

Plant Name: Parsnip - Gladiator

Plant Description: Market standard variety. Extremely high marketable yield of large roots with very good canker resistance. Roots have a shallow crown to reduce wastage.

Plant Name: Pea - Onward

Plant Description: High yielding variety, with large peas. 6-8 peas per pod. Height around 60cm.

Plant Name: Pumpkin - F1 Mars

Plant Description: Produces high yields of rounded pumpkins with orange flesh and skin.

Plant Name: Radish - Cherry Belle

Plant Description: Standard round globe variety.

Plant Name: Rhubarb - Victoria

Plant Description: This is a slightly green rhubarb, with an excellent rich tart flavour.

Plant Name: Runner Bean - Lady Di

Plant Description: Early stringless type, producing high quality pods of medium green colour, around 30cm in length. Red flowers.

Plant Name: Runner Bean - Scarlet Emperor

Plant Description: A red flowered variety, pod dimensons 30 x 2.5cm medium green colour. Can also be used as a ground bean.

Plant Name: Spinach - Napa

Plant Description: A standard variety of spinach.

Plant Name: Squash (Winter) - F1 Butternut Hunter

Plant Description: Hardy fast growing squash with sweet orange flesh.

Plant Name: Strawberries - Cherry Blossom

Plant Description: Double cherry pink flowers contrasting well with the sweet bright red strawberries.

Plant Name: Sweetcorn - Minipop

Plant Description: Normal sugar type. Very tender pericarp makes this an ideal variety for mini sweetcorn. Best harvested when cobs are approximately 10cm in length. Produces 5-6 cobs per plant, and does not require pollination to produce cobs.

Plant Name: Sweetcorn - Pot Of Gold

Plant Description: A dwarf variety reaching only 1.5m tall, making it a perfect choice for exposed sites or growing in large containers.

Plant Name: Sweet Pepper - Bellboy

Plant Description: A delicious mild-flavoured fruit which has many culinary uses and is very easy to grow at home.

Plant Name: Sweet Pepper - Redskin

Plant Description: A true dwarf bell pepper, ideal for growing in pots and containers. Very early fruiting, with an excellent yield of medium sized fruits which turn red.

Plant Name: Sweet Pepper - Snack Orange

Plant Description: Snack pepper has unique eye-catching variegated foliage growing orange snack sized peppers.

Plant Name: Sweet Pepper - Snack Red

Plant Description: Snack pepper has unique eye-catching variegated foliage growing red snack sized peppers.

Plant Name: Tomato - Gardeners Delight

Plant Description: A heavy cropping cherry tomato. Lovely juicy red fruits with an excellent tangy flavour.

Plant Name: Tomato - Moneymaker

Plant Description: Medium sized, heavy cropper.

Plant Name: Tomato - Nagina

Plant Description: Excellent crops of small plum tomatoes averaging 65g each of excellent flavour, perfect for both in salads and cooking.

Plant Name: Tomato - Supersteak

Plant Description: Supersteak is a favourite among giant tomatoes. Smooth skin and a meaty texture makes this variety perfect for slicing on sandwiches. Produces fruits as large as 2lbs.

Plant Name: Tomato - Tumbling Tom Red

Plant Description: A high yielding variety with rich red small fruits with an excellent flavour. Ideal for hanging baskets and containers.

Plant Name: Tomato - Tumbling Tom Yellow

Plant Description: A high yielding variety with golden yellow small fruits with an excellent flavour. Ideal for hanging baskets and containers.

Plant Name: Watermelon - Champagne

Plant Description: Excellent ice box watermelon, with fine crispy flesh and sweet flavour. Externally the melon is green with pale white stripes. Fruit is small to medium sized, deep globe shape. Weight typically 2.5-3.5kg.

Plant Name: Balm - Lemon

Plant Description: Often called lemon balm. Used for medicinal purposes, seasoning and for flavouring fruit cordials. Perennial.

Plant Name: Basil - Bush

Plant Description: Dwarf growing small leaved variety with leaves roughly half the size of sweet basil. used chiefly for seasoning.

Plant Name: Basil - Cinnamon

Plant Description: Vigorous plant with distinct flavour and a strong cinnamon aroma. Used for sweet spicy flavouring.

Plant Name: Basil - Lemon

Plant Description: Attractive lemon-scented plant with medium sized foliage and pink flowers.

Plant Name: Basil - Purple Ruffles

Plant Description: Fragrant and dramatic garden subject. Large leaves, heavily fringed and ruffled, dark purple almost black in colour.

Plant Name: Basil - Siam Queen

Plant Description: Green basil leaves with deep purple-red stems with an intense liquorce fragrance. Excellent for seasoning and salads.

Plant Name: Basil - Sweet

Plant Description: Large shiny green leaves. Used for flavouring soups and fruit preserves.

Plant Name: Chamomile

Plant Description: Delicate apple-like scent with dainty daisy like flowers. Widely used for calming herbal teas and skin treatments and to aid digestion. Perennial.

Plant Name: Chervil - Curled

Plant Description: Fine cut dark green leaves. Used for flavouring salads and stuffings.

Plant Name: Chives

Plant Description: Decorative herb with pretty pink flowers and slim grass-like leaves which have a mild onion flavour, used for salads and soups. Perennial.

Plant Name: Chives - Garlic

Plant Description: Pleasant mild garlic flavour. Small white flowers which are also edible. Leaves are broader than normal chives. Perennial.

Plant Name: Coriander

Plant Description: A delicate aromatic flavour makes this herb a commonly used flavouring for salads and soups, often used as a garnish.

Plant Name: Cumin

Plant Description: Grass like leaves with small white flowers. Aromatic seeds that can be used for flavouring.

Plant Name: Dill

Plant Description: Feather-like leaves with a soft aroma and taste. Commonly used in pickling, salads and fish dishes.

Plant Name: Fennel - Bronze

Plant Description: Similar to common fennel but with dark foliage. Perennial.

Plant Name: Fennel - Common

Plant Description: Liquorice flavoured leaves and seeds. Used in mediterranean cuisine and natural remedies for digestive issues. Perennial.

Plant Name: Hyssop - Blue

Plant Description: Aromatic bushy plant with small leaves and blue flowers. Beekeepers plant, with strong rather bitter flavour. Perennial.

Plant Name: Lovage

Plant Description: Yellow flowers with dark leaves used for flavouring vegetable stews and root vegetables. Perennial.

Plant Name: Mint - Green

Plant Description: Similar to spearmint, this mint has dark green roughly oval shaped leaves with serrated margains. Used for cooking. Perennial.

Plant Name: Parsley - Moss Curled

Plant Description: Popular herb with bright green, deeply divided leaves used mainly as a culinary flavouring or garnish.

Plant Name: Sage

Plant Description: An evergreen subshrub with grey to soft green fragrant foliage and small spikes of lilac-blue flowers. Used extensively for seasoning. Perennial.

Plant Name: Tarragon - Russian

Plant Description: Not to be confused with French tarragon. Leaves have a strong and sweet anise flavour. Leaves are used in salads and sauces for seasoning, especially popular for fish dishes. Also used for flavouring vinegar. Perennial.

Plant Name: Thyme - English Winter

Plant Description: Also known as common or garden thyme. Used extensively for seasoning and stuffings. Perennial.