Wide range of climbing plants at Mount Folly!
We stock a wide range of climbing plants such as Passion Flower, Clematis, Star Jasmine & Grape Vine’s. Please see below for the whole range.

Please phone to enquire about availability of a certain variety, as stock can move very fast during our busy periods.
AKEBIA QUINATA (Chocolate Vine) | 7' cane | A semi-evergreen fast growing climber. Maroon-chocolate flowers look almost artificial, clustered along the stems and have an exotic spicy fragrance with a hint of vanilla, standing out against green foliage, known to have a purple tinge during winter months . After a particularly warm summer, large sausage-shaped purple fruits dangle from the stems. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
AKEBIA QUINATA CREAM FORM (Chocolate Vine) | 7' cane | A semi-evergreen fast growing climber. Scented cream coloured with purpled centre flowers clustered along the stems with green leaves that are tinged purple in winter. Followed by large sausage-shaped pale fruits after a hot summer. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS 'Arabella' | 3ltr | A non-clinging scrambling deciduous semi-herbaceous perennial. Deep blue mauve flowers becoming pinky-mauve. Best in full sun. |
CLEMATIS 'Bill MacKenzie' | 5' cane | A large vigorous deciduous climber. Finely cut leaves with flowers of bright yellow sepals surrounding dark stamens. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS 'Blue Angel' | 3ltr | A fast growing deciduous climber. Crinkled soft blue flowers with yellow stamens. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS 'Hagley 'Hybrid' | 3ltr | A compact deciduous climber. Masses of single pink flowers which spread to 10-15cm across with deep red anthers. Best in partial shade. |
CLEMATIS INTEGRIFOLIA 'Gletchereis' | 3ltr | A low growing climber. Small white blue tinged bell-shaped flowers with twisted sepals, followed by silvery brown seedheads. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS 'Jan Pawel II' | 3ltr | A vigorous deciduous climber. Mid-green leaves bearing single creamy-white flowers tinged or striped pale pink becoming a darker pink in late summer. Best in partial shade. |
CLEMATIS MONTANA 'Majorie' | 5' cane | A vigorous, deciduous early flowering climber. Spectacular semi-double creamy pink flowers with salmon pink centre with bronze-tinted foliage. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS 'Rouge Cardinal' | 3ltr | A vigorous deciduous climber. Single velvety crimson flowers up to 15cm across with creamy white filaments and red-brown anthers. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS 'Star Of India' | 3ltr | A deciduous climber. Dark green leaves with flowers emerging a reddish purple colour with a red striped centre which fades and greenish anthers. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS VITICELLA 'Kermesina' | 5' cane | A vigorous deciduous climber. Single deep crimson flowers blotched white at the base with black stamens flowering mid summer to early autumn. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
CLEMATIS VITICELLA 'Polish Spirit' | 5' cane | A deciduous climber, bearing deep violet purple flowers with a lighter bar along with the mid rib with greenish-white and purplish stamens, flowers from mid-summer to late autumn. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
FUCHSIA 'Lady Boothby' | 5' cane | An extremely vigorous decidous climber. Relatively small crimson and dark purple single flowers produced from summer to autumn. May need to be trained as a climber on a trellis or arch. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
HEDERA ALGERIENSIS 'Gloire de Marengo' | 3' cane | A vigorous self-clinging evergreen climber. Large lobed dark green and grey-green leaves margined with creamy-white. May flower on mature growth. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
HUMULUS LUPULUS 'Nordbrau' (Hop) | 3' cane | Bright green leaves with a crop of large green attractive hops, providing rapid cover. A brewing variety with excellent aroma. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
HYDRANGEA ANOMALA 'Petiolaris' (Japanese Climbing Hydrangea) | 3ltr/12ltr | A vigorous deciduous climber. Leaves are mid-green, ovate and coarsely toothed and bark is brown and peeling when mature. Produces clusters of flowers. Small greenish-white flowers in the centre and large, showy white florets around the edges. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
JASMINUM BEESIANUM (Summer Jasmine) | 6' cane | A woody twining climber which may be deciduous in colder areas of the UK. Dark green ovate leaves with cymes of small red fragrant flowers from early summer. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
JASMINIUM NUDIFLORUM (Winter Jasmine) | 3' cane | A deciduous medium sized climber. The bright yellow flowers blossoming peaks right after winter into spring. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
JASMINUM X STEPHANENSE (Summer Jasmine) | 6' cane | A fast growing deciduous twining climber. Small fragrant pale pink flowers produced in summer with simple or pinnate leaves up to 5cm. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
LONICERA HENRYI | 2' cane | A vigorous twining evergreen climber. Yellow and red tubular flowers in summer, followed by black berries. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
LONICERA JAPONICA 'Dart's World' | 5' cane | A semi-evergreen bushy climber. Dark green ovate leaves with clusters of heavily fragrant narrow tubular pink buds which mature to pinkish-apricot flowers. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
PARTHENOCISSUS QUINQUEFOLIA 'Virginia Creeper' | 5' cane | A vigorous deciduous large climber. Leaves with five ovate leaflets turning bright red and orange in autumn. Flowers inconspicuous with berries that are blue-black. Best in full sun, partial shade or full shade. |
PASSIFLORA CAERULEA (Passion Flower) | 4' cane | A vigorous large growing evergreen climber. Large white with blue and purple coronal filaments flowering from summer to autumn. Flowers followed by ovoid orange-yellow fruit. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
PASSIFLORA 'Lavender Lady' (Passion Flower) | 6' cane | A semi-evergreen fast growing climber. Rich violet petals surround a showy network of stamens followed by orange fruits. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
PASSIFLORA 'Snow Queen' (Passion Flower) | 6' cane | A vigorous evergreen twining climber. Fragrant large white flowers with a hint of green at the edges of the tepals and purple stigmas. Sometimes followed by yellow-orange fruit. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
TRACHELOSPERMUM ASIATICUM 'Pink Showers' | 3ltr | A woody evergreen twining climber. Clusters of scented star-shaped pale pink flowers over oval dark green and glossy leaves. Best in full sun or partial shade. |
TRACHELOSPERMUM ASIATICUM 'Star of Toscane' (Star Jasmine) | 6' cane | A woody evergreen twining climber. Sweet scented star-shaped pale yellow flowers with a darker yellow centre. Glossy green narrowly oval leaves which often turn bronze in winter. Best in full sun or partial shade . |
VITIS VINIFERA 'Cabernet Franc' (Grape Vine) | 6' cane | A vigorous deciduous climbing black grape vine. Originates from France but now grown world wide, dark purple-black grapes produce a rich red juice that can be sweetened for drinking or used to make wine. Best in full sun. |
VITIS VINIFERA 'Sauvignon Blanc' (Grape Vine) | 6' cane | A vigorous deciduous climbing white grape vine. Large bunches of yellow-green grapes for dessert or wine-making that ripen in early autumn. Best in full sun. |
WISTERIA SINENSIS 'Alba' | 4' cane | A vigorous large deciduous twining climber. Pinnate leaves and short racemes of fragrant pure white pea-like flowers. Best in full sun or partial shade. |