HomeGarden PlantsFuchsiasPot or Bush Fuchsias AllABCFGHMNPRSTVW BLACKIEFlower: DoubleSepals pinkish-red. Corolla jet-black, maturing to purple. CARMEL BLUEFlower: SingleSepals white. Corolla Purple, white at the base. FLYING SCOTSMAN*Flower: DoubleSepals pale pink.Corolla Pale red with white streaks. GENERAL MONK GILLIAN ALTHEAFlower: DoubleSepals rose-red. Corolla deep lilac, splashed rose. HAPPY WEDDING DAY HEIDI ANNEFlower: DoubleSepals crimson cerise. Corolla lilac veined cerise. JOLLIES MACON JOLLIES MENTON JOLLIES MIRAVEL JOLLIES NANTES MANDARIN CREAM MAORI MAIDFlower: DoubleSepals Red. Corolla Purple. PATIO PRINCESS PAULA JANEFlower: Semi Double.Sepals carmine-rose. Corolla beetroot-purple, maturing to ruby-red. WALZ JUBILTEENFlower: Single ErectSepals & corolla bright pink. WINSTON CHURCHILLFlower: DoubleSepals pink. Corolla lavender-blue, maturing to pale purple.