The improved Dahlia Midalio has now totally replaced Micronette as the foremost dwarf dahlia for garden performance.This is a fabulous range which now includes 8 colours!
Dahlini are dwarf and are 15cm-20cm (6″-8″) tall. Sturdy little plants producing masses of 2″-3″ flowers throughout the summer.
The taller Gallery is approx. 30cm-40cm (12″-15″) tall and has flowers 10cm-12cm (4″-5″) accross – very showy ! Very strong but may need caning in windy areas.
Grown in 1lt (5″) pots £3.99 each or 3 for £10 IN STORE ONLY.

Dahlia Midalio
The latest in breeding from the dwarf Dahlia range. 2″ flowers with a compact round shaped habit.
Grown in 1lt pots £3.99 each or 3 for £10 IN STORE ONLY.
Colours Available:
- Dark Night
- Orange
- Scarlet
- White
- Yellow
Dahlia Collection
A taller, more vigorous strain having larger flower heads. Very showy. Benefits from dead heading. Once again forming tubers so they will return year after year.
Grown in 1lt pots £3.99 each or 3 for £10 IN STORE ONLY.
Colours Available:
- Bellini
- Cabernet
- Cafe Latte
- La Tour
- Pablo
- Pink Spider
Dahlia Goldalia
Fabulous dynamic bicolour flowers on a strong, compact plant. Excellent garden performance. Very showy.
Once again forming tubers so they will return year after year.
Grown in 1lt pots £3.99 or 3 for £10 IN STORE ONLY.
- Rose
- Scarlet
Other Variety Dahlia’s:
- Dahlia Aperto Blood Red
- Dahlia Dalina Maxi Starbust Pink
Dahlia Grandalia
A large flower series, a uniform well branching series with rich flowers on short flower stems. Ideal for 15cm pots or bigger.
Grown in 1ltr Pots £3.99 or 3 for £10. IN STORE ONLY.
Colours Available:
- Dark Rose
- Hot Pink Ice
- Peppermint
- Rose Bicolour
- Scarlet Orange
- White
- Yellow